Monday, August 24, 2009


There are times, when I,
in my human weakness,
lose touch with my faith,
and I feel like I am in free-fall,
no control, my mind, body, emotions, spirit and hope are
left to the wind.
I wonder if there’s a bottom below me,
frightened that there might not be,
and I’ll fall forever.

Monday, August 10, 2009

A flood

I've cried a flood, Lord, enough to cover the land.
I've felt an emptiness, Lord, that tries to collapse my heart.
I've asked questions, Lord, that echo unanswered.
I've felt pain, Lord, in the picture of my little boy.

I've felt warmth, Lord, in my wife's heart.
I've felt joy, Lord, in my daughter's laugh.
I've felt hope, Lord, in my daughter's determination.
I've felt peace, Lord, in prayer.