Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Show me Micah's path

Lord, where is Micah going?  What path is he on?  Where should my guidance lead him?  My heart is as heavy as any time in my life when I hear someone from his daycare say that she's afraid that he might be a danger to others and himself. Where do I find my influence in this behavior?  I don't punch or hit or kick or spit or throw things. Where was I absent in parenting that allowed him to get here?  I am so confused because he is totally normal around me. But whatever influence I may have with him is forgotten when he's not around me. He claims he's not afraid of me, but obeys because he loves me. Where is my failure?  How do I improve?  If this is his own "demon", how do I help him defeat it?
Help me. 

Monday, October 13, 2014

Just one time, please?

I cry for your presence, and I don't see you.
I yell to see you, and you're not here.
My heart aches to tell you I love you.
And then I realize there are many Dads doing the same thing as I.
For children lost far too soon.
God, could you just one time let me see a crowd of children around me?
Children happy to be in Heaven?
It would make earth a little bit easier to put up with.