Tuesday, January 19, 2010

This is what would make me feel better, at least right now.

I've had friends tell me how they've changed since our tragedy.  They've paid more attention to their children, made sure to tell them they loved them before sending them off on the bus, etc.  This would make me feel good.  Do you have a story of how you've hugged your children just one extra time because of our story?  Are you more intentional about remembering how precious they are, even during a difficult time with them?  Tell me.  It's almost like if I hear stories like this, then my love for Nate that I can't express directly to him gets expressed to other children through our story and experiences.


Anonymous said...

We do, almost on a daily basis. We capture the every day moments on video because of your words, Jerry. I truly feel like I cherish EVERY LITTLE ASPECT of being a parent, because I know how fragile life is, and how their time with me could be over tomorrow, theoretically or literally. I took a lot more for granted prior to 5/25/08. I really feel that your family has deeply impacted our whole family, forever. In a heartbreakingly sad way, that God IS using for good, even if we don't see how or why. But also, in an encouraging, real, and love filled way as well. We both cherish yours and Christy's friendship, the memories we have of before, and milestones and hopes we see and have for the future.

Vosberg View said...

Well said Sandy...I would echo your words.

Jerry, there have MANY times I put down work, chores, tv, etc. to take the extra minute with the boys because of you. There are many times I hold them a little longer or don't quite get out of child care quickly because of you. I take more pictures and video because of you. I trust in God more consistently because of you. I pray because of you. I open up to others about where I am because of you.

I know we have talked through how bittersweet this is. To lose Nate for us to be impacted...it isn't easy. It is hard to reconcile, understand, justify...BUT the faith you have in Jesus Christ is truly what inspires me as you wade through the above feelings.

I am so thankful God had our paths cross. To support. To laugh. To do some life together...

Tina said...

Not sure what I could add that Sandy or Jill haven't already covered.

But I will say that there have been MANY times I have looked at our daughter Anna and thought of Ani and said a prayer. Or I have reflected after getting impaitient with her that I need to remember what is really important and that is showing and telling Anna that I love her.

I too have taken more pictures and video (which seems impossible) but I have.

And yes, the inspiration you give me to be open and honest about my relationship with God during incredibly difficult times. That has come from you. That it is ok to question. That God will always love us. To trust in Him ultimately.