Friday, July 30, 2010

Engine of peace

Oh Thomas, do you have room in Clarabelle for me?
Oh Percy, your smile takes me back to a precious time,
memories that slip even as I hold tightly to them.
Oh, treasured trains, do you mean as much to me as you did to him?
Carry me, carry me to a dream, a vision, a connection to my son.
Can you whistle a note of love to him for me?
Can he forgive me if I cry if Micah loves trains too?
Oh train, whose face is a mask, I understand that.
Oh fireman Nate, stoke my fire inside, I fear it is failing.
No need to stop for water, I've cried enough for that.
Gordon, I need help to get over the hill too.
Oh Thomas, whistle your arrival, when can I be with Nate again?
Oh my Lord of Grace, is there room in Clarabelle for me?

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