I really want to get this across to someone new I know, but in doing so, am I hypocritical?
It's so difficult for me to follow the same advice...
"Why did my family survive unharmed when yours was so tragically altered?"
I don't know...Random chance...A chance to learn and become stronger?
However, when I ask myself something similar...
"Why did I survive, and my son did not?"
"Why did I get through and heal so well when my daughter has not?"
"Why couldn't I protect my children?"
Well, then, that's something entirely different to think about.
I wonder why it's so much easier to support someone else, but condemn yourself?
Now, after that self-condemnation...
I know that I'm stronger since the tornado...In ways, I'm softer too.
I was talking with Ani about the things I would get frustrated with:
- The kids jumping in mud puddles
- Ani painting her entire foot while fingerpainting
- Other minutiae
I told her I was wrong to have gotten frustrated, that those things are "fun",
and not in any way harmful or bad.
Life is so short and fragile...jump in puddles with them, point out how colorful their foot is, revel in how the things you take for granted are so big and beautiful to children.
I would give anything to hear Ani point out the oranges and pinks in a sunset again.
Thanks for this! I hate that sometimes I have to be reminded of these things.
Yes, thanks Jerry. I am becoming a better father because of your testament. I just know that God is using this and you to better the lives of others and to give hope. We continue to pray for you and Ani. Thank you for being the man that God created you to be and for your friendship!
Tina, which part reminded you? The part about surviving a tragedy, or that jumping in a puddle is fun?
After you remember that, make sure that _I_ live by it too!
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