Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Oh, Christian, show me.

Oh, Christian, show me how you treat the “least of these”, which is how you treat Jesus.

Oh, Christian, show me how you reduce the plank in your eye and not the splinter in others' eyes.

Oh, Christian, show me your deeds so I know you’re not a gong in the wind.

Oh, Christian, show me that you can’t boast of your works because you’re saved by faith.

Oh, Christian, show me how you forgive your enemies 70 * 7 times.

Oh, Christian, show me how you turn the other cheek to get slapped also.

Oh, Christian, show me how you heal your hated enemies like the good Samaritan did.

Oh, Christian, show me your stone after being convicted to be sinless to throw it.
Oh, Christian, show me that there are no exceptions to “For the Lord so loved the world that he sent his only Son”.

Oh, Christian, show me how you give one of your two shirts to someone who has none.

Oh, Christian, show me how you can’t serve both God and money.
Oh, Christian, show me you know you've fallen short of God's glorious standards. 
Oh, Christian, show me how your love for all humans is equally important to your love of God.

Oh, Christian, show me you forgive ME for not being perfect in the things above.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Do I have the strength

Year after year, I've accompanied my girl into the operating room, to open up her back, just to keep her body from twisting itself.
Day after day, I prepare formula, I only had a 2 year break of doing that, between Ani as a baby and Ani unable to user her mouth to supply nutrition.
Hour to hour, I see the scars on her body, some from the tornado, but mostly through procedures that I've agreed to put her through.
Minute to minute, I try to read the ever-so-subtle variations in the position of her eyes, her cheeks, and her ever changing smile, just to know something about what she's trying to tell me.
And always, I'm looking for changes in her, medically, physically, emotionally, intellectually.
Always I am compiling these changes into my mind, searching for an answer, how can I serve her better, what is something new I can tell the neurologist?
Unless I'm asleep, or "in the zone" at work, my mind is ever busy for her.
I need all the strength and endurance I can get. My faith is powering me, but sometimes I want much more.
I've lost count of how many times I've asked God to give Ani's disabilities to me, to free her.
Always, at my heels, is the question "Why?". As much as I try to keep my rational mind in control, sometimes that question hits me.
There's no answer anywhere, and unless you completely accept that fact, it will drive you insane.
Of course, the true answer of "It was just a random occurrence of weather" doesn't help either.
I'm here for the long haul There's just so many potholes along the way.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Upon you

Oh, somebody's little boy. Your body was lifted, lifeless. Respectfully your body was reunited with those of your older brother and your mother. 
In that picture are all the sorrows of the world exemplified. 
I am so affected by that picture. 
All life is sacred, but that of a child seems ever more precious. Perhaps that's due to my perspective as a parent. 
If I, a finite being feel this much for someone I do not know, how much more does our creator feel for us?

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Lord, let me never consider the short two minutes it takes to get Ani in and out of the car an excuse to not go somewhere with her. I didn't think that when we had baby carriers, don't let me think that now. 

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

The genius of Bach

All my life I've claimed to like classical music. I did, I really did, but I never before had a true appreciation for the master composers. In the two years I have studied violin, I've listened to hundreds of concertos and short pieces. I then heard one of Bach's paritas "Gavotte en Rondeau", and I consider it one of the most beautiful things I've ever heard. Well, come to find out it's among a set of pieces that Bach essentially did as Saturday homework for Church Mass in Sunday. I then listened to his Cello concert and I am blown away. It is truly amazing how the bass notes that start the arpeggios continue in your ear throughout the arpeggio even though the string has stopped singing. There is beauty and exquisite precision in the mathematics of his compositions. I hope to keep finding new things in what I hear. 

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Is that ok Nate?

I don't always cry for you. 
Is that ok Nate?
I don't always yell your name in the car when I'm alone. 
Is that ok Nate?
I don't always stay awake at night thinking about reading you books. 
Is that ok Nate?
I look around to see if Micah is getting in trouble and not you. 
Is that ok Nate?
I don't always visit your grave. 
Is that ok Nate?
I always rejoice at where you are. 
Is that ok Nate?
God sometimes grants my prayer for a dream of you. 
Is that ok Nate?
I don't always talk to Ani about you. 
Is that ok Nate?
I just answered the lady serving me that I'm doing fine when I'm not. 
Is that ok Nate?
Am I doing ok Nate?

Oh my baby Nate. I saw a little toddler girl today who had a cast on her arm. She was so cute. Then I remembered your leg and your cast and my smile went away. It just sucks to be without you. 

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Not fair

As I look into my daughter's beautiful expressive eyes, it strikes me that her range of expression is so, so very limited. I know that she has beauty and poetry that's waiting to get out. That's just who she is. After I wad done practicing tonight it hit me that I am so blessed to have so many forms of expressin open to me, my engineering, my writing, my guitar, trombone, and newfound love of violin. It's not fair that a person whose basic characteristic was to be expressive (ask me about "song prayer" sometime) is now so limited. My heart bursts with the feeling that this world needs to hear what she has to say. That she can (and already has) make a difference for the better in this world. 

Friday, May 22, 2015

It's coming again

The day is almost upon us. Here we are, trying to decide whether to mark the day on the 25th, or on the Sunday. It will be 7 years, and I can still see Ani terrified. Still see Nate as I turned to him immediately before the tornado hit. Still feel my throat hurt as I yelled for Nate, for Ani to make a noise, for God to not take both my children. 

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

How strange

I just spent 10 minutes straight in prayer over......my violin. 
I am thankful that it was placed before me and how much I enjoy the comfort, calmness, enjoyment, enrichment (and even the frustration) it brings me. I even enjoy just how difficult it is to learn. This is the only thing in my life that I've had where I deeply WANT to practice and study, and push myself through the hard parts. When I play, I enjoy everything, even the exercises, and I try to make even those be as emotive and musical as I can. I see the interesting battle within me, between the complicated interplay of muscle tension vs relaxed states. The duality of me wanting to control it (and it refusing) and me wanting to let go and release what's inside me through it. When I'm playing, there's nothing else around me.
I prayed in thanks.
I prayed in marvel of this thing called music that was gifted to us in this world. 
I prayed in respect of this little wooden object that has so many aspects to it. 
I prayed in request to continue to learn and advance.  To be worthy of a new instrument and playing in an orchestra sometime in the future. 
I prayed in thanks for the amazing teacher I have that I just "picked at random". 
I prayed to be able to play vibrato someday. :)

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Take this from me, please

Lord, please take from me the curse that I bear. The curse that the first thing that comes to mind when I bring Nate's memory to my heart is that of me yelling at him, and him crying. I think I've relived that enough times now. I'm so sorry about it. I've confessed to you, to Christy and even Ani. Please let it be replaced with his smile and adoration while we danced. My heart bleeds enough as it is, I don't need my own subconscious helping that. 

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Love and trust

Ani fell asleep in my arms again tonight. She's too big to cradle, so I lie next to her. I look in her eyes and put my arm around her and talk to her and sing to her. I feel her tension leave her, and she feels warm and safe and loved. Her trust in me is shown in her smile as we are quiet. Her smile that fades as her breathing slows and her eyes close. Sublime moments that I wish would last forever, for as she falls asleep, all my worries and fears are put on hold, and I can fully enjoy the company of my child.