Friday, July 15, 2016

World, listen.

My daughter is ALIVE!
She lives, she breathes, she feels, SHE IS ALIVE!
Friends, LISTEN TO ME.
I don't know her cognitive ability, but this I know; She is NOT A BABY.
She feels, she thinks, SHE REMEMBERS.
She has a place to fill, a JOB TO PERFORM.  Give her skills.
She affects those around her, she is affected herself by those around her.
She reacts warmly to her brother's kiss.
She can bring her own warmth to this cold world.
Learn how to listen to my daughter.
She is NOT the wheelchair you see.  She has depths, thoughts, responses.
Please, do yourself a favor and wait for her.

New voice

I was rubbing Ani's temples tonight, and I could tell that she enjoyed it, her eyes were half-lidded, she had a relaxed smile, but then...
She gave a little pain relief moan.  Just an "Unnh".  Then another, then another, and another.  Then she stopped and she tightened up a bit, so I stopped rubbing and she relaxed.  I've not heard her vocalize like that before.  It was awesome, and was so "normal" (whatever that means).

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

I remember

I remember, each of you my children, rocking you to sleep.
You were all different, in your twitching, your eyes closing, and the time it took.
I remember my first, Ani, how I would wait, and count, to make sure you were asleep,
before I placed you in bed.  I would then tiptoe out of your room.
Nate, I remember you deciding that we were done cuddling, and it was time for me to put you in bed.
Micah, I remember the contrast of the days' activities, and you winding down in your room.

All of you, I remember the feeling you gave me, confidence and trust in me, your father.
In my arms, you melted into my protection and warmth.
In my arms, you gave me a short time where the world was right and sublime.
No troubles with money, worry over politics or conflicts.
No second-guessing myself over parenting you.

For that short time,  your feedback was that I did something absolutely right.

Friday, July 1, 2016

To learn

To learn your secrets, the world would I give.
Your perspective; no one can share.
Opinions, poems, dreams, prayers, laments.
Shout them! Share them! Free your soul!
Reach toward the light, reach toward my hand.
The light in your eyes, so intriguing, so fleeting.
I give it all, freely, to hold your gaze.
What mistakes have I made? Do you keep count?
Will you forgive my ineptitudes when you say hello to me?