Wednesday, July 13, 2016

I remember

I remember, each of you my children, rocking you to sleep.
You were all different, in your twitching, your eyes closing, and the time it took.
I remember my first, Ani, how I would wait, and count, to make sure you were asleep,
before I placed you in bed.  I would then tiptoe out of your room.
Nate, I remember you deciding that we were done cuddling, and it was time for me to put you in bed.
Micah, I remember the contrast of the days' activities, and you winding down in your room.

All of you, I remember the feeling you gave me, confidence and trust in me, your father.
In my arms, you melted into my protection and warmth.
In my arms, you gave me a short time where the world was right and sublime.
No troubles with money, worry over politics or conflicts.
No second-guessing myself over parenting you.

For that short time,  your feedback was that I did something absolutely right.

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