Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Old writing, never published - Shocking...

This may be a shocker, but I've discovered that I'm not infinite.
Obvious, yeah I know, but after hearing recently about a friend's difficulties,
I have bumped up against the fact that there are so many people I care about.
I "care" about all people, and I pray for every little baby I see.  But I am not capable of
caring, from a day-to-day perspective, of everybody in the world.  I simply am not God, that's
his realm, having an unlimited amount of love and care that he can deeply care about every person
in every little moment-to-moment as they live their lives.  It's just not possible for me to wonder every
day about that little girl I saw at the Disney live show, or the little toddler boy that was so cute and
stumbled at Target and made Ani laugh.  Our senior pastor has talked about this a little, in that we
are only really capable of maintaining a few really close friends, a group of other friends and so on.

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