As I stand here, it feels harder than standing in front of a design review with Navy brass and Boeing. Maybe that's because I'm now speaking for my flesh and blood instead of CSCIs. First off, I want all of you to know how much it means to us to have received your prayers, well wishes, visits & donations. I am bouyed up by your show of support today. Please know that you are providing for my daughter's future and current care. She is currently mostly immobile, but is starting to show signs of intentional movement. She is also showing signs of her personality coming out. She will cry when she's sad or in pain, and is quick to smile & laugh when we hold her, tell her jokes, or she sees her favorite characters in movies or TV. Any quote from "Finding Nemo" will get her laughing. She is also showing us that she desparately wants to talk with us. We have noticed that the "spark of awareness" in her eyesis now more evident than before, and her "cognitive breaks" are occurring less and less often. She is attending kindergarden now, and is enjoying being with the other kids. It was a rocky start, but she is getting used to the bus ride now. While her future is uncertain, we are hopeful and will remain dedicated to her physical, emotional and spiritual care. We are progressing in our quest for our new home and hope to be in it sometime in January. Again, thank you so much for your support, believe me, it helps keep us going so much.
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