Do you know this girl?
The girl who wanted me to drive faster, because "there's a monkey on the car".
The girl who taught me you can love the snow because it's a "Snow Love".
The girl who always looked for the "turtle on the stick".
The girl who wanted to know when we were driving under a bridge.
The girl who loves all things about Neverland Fairies.
The girl who loves Birthday Monsters and Bellybuttons.
The girl who explained that "Flowing robes do NOT take naps".
The girl who loves Hannah Montana's "woooo".
The girl who brightens to her Daddy's voice, whose birth made me cry.
The girl who needed to wear "lovely dresses".
The girl who so desperately wanted to fit in with the older girls at Monday night.
The girl who dances with me.
The girl who can laugh while her pain causes her to scream.
The girl who neglected "the signals from her body" while she was above me on the slide's ladder. :)
The girl who thought some of Daddy's food was too "picey".
The girl who could be on the swing set all day long.
The girl who, more often than not, would have her shoes on the wrong feet.
The girl whom I would die for, a thousand times, and so much more that I could never do her justice.
I pray and wish the whole world to know Ani, the Ani still inside this "silly body". She can fill the whole world with warmth, and I want the warmth to find its way back to her.