Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Can I let go someday?

Ani, will there be a time when I don't need to be vigilant on your medication refills?
When I don't have to bug the pharmacy for the refill because if you don't get the correct dose you might get a "fatal rash"?
Can I ever stop mentally measuring your awareness? Your seizures?
When can I stop worrying that you might just up and leave me suddenly?
When can I stop feeling guilty that I've got so much of my love invested in you that I might not give enough to Micah and Mommy?
Can I ever stop trying to make sure that others see you as a fully important person, not just a lump in a chair?
Will I get to stop reminding people that you understand what's being said, and to be polite around you?
I will never blame you for any of these feelings, you are a source of strength to me.

Will I ever stop the fear I get by mentally putting myself in your condition?

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