Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Disaster strikes

On May 25th, a tornado ripped through Hugo. My family and I were caught on the main floor, trying to get to the basement when the tornado hit our house. The house was pushed off its foundation, and collapsed around us. My 2.5 year old son Nathaniel was killed, and my other child, my 5 year old daughter Annika was left with a serious brain injury due to lack of oxygen to her brain. Where this blog was originally intended to be light-hearted about being a dad and gaming will still be about being a dad, but one who has lost so much. I have lost my beloved son, and I am diminished greatly by this. I have also lost the interactive and vibrant parts of my daughter, who I adore, and she is left with a very difficult life ahead. This blog will contain some of my poetry I have written as a result of our tragedy, prayers, requests for prayers, and some blogging about how I am getting through each day.
Apologies in advance if I elicit tears from readers, rest assured that this keyboard is also wet with tears.

1 comment:

Joe said...

I managed to login – so great start! I look forward to reading, it will be a great experiment.