Thursday, September 18, 2008


The scars on my body may never fade,
but everyone can see them.
The scars inside will also never fade,
but only I can see them.

1 comment:

tmhanson said...

God sees your scars as he sees the fear, sadness, and anger.
I appreciate you sharing these poems and experiences. I don't know what it is like to lose a child let alone a house and my other child be injured, but God does. When you can't cry He can, we can, cry with you and for you.

I am living in hope. Hope for Ani, hope for you and your family, hope to see Nate again. Real hope can only come from the Spirit living in us and filling the voids. It just seems that sometimes they empty as quickly as we can be filled.

Hang in there, trust, live, experience.