Monday, March 22, 2010

Just talked with Ani

She kept her head towards the right, towards me, with her eyes locked on my face for 15 minutes.  She didn't startle, and reacted to pretty much everything I said. It was really cool.  Wonder Pets was on and she paid attention to me the whole time.

I miss Nate...

Tonight, my thoughts dwell on Nate...
How every time I do the dishes, he should be there to help me load/unload the dishwasher.
How that time I was at daycare to pick them up, he saw me out the window while I was getting Ani, and when I went out of view to go through the door, he was devastated because he thought I was leaving him.  He was just about a wreck when I came back in his room to get him, and he cried on my shoulder.  I felt bad for that having happened to him, but I didn't _try_ to do it.  The pain seems all the stronger now when I think about it.  I hope there's dishwashers in heaven so Nate and I can work together again.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Trying out a new prayer...Any comments?

Oh God, bless your child Annika that you have given us.
Bless her with enhanced healing,
Bless her with peace of body,
Bless her with joy in spirit,
Bless her with the power of speech again,
Bless her with the ability to eat again,
Bless her with her sweet power of expression again,
Bless her with purposeful movement of body again,
Bless her with fully functional sight again,
Most of all, heavenly Father,
Bless her through knowledge of you,
your infinite grace,
and that of your Son's sacrifice,
through whom we may all dance with Nate again.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I see

Oh Nate, I see you.
I see you every day.
I see you in people, and the way they walk.
I see you in what my wedding ring represents.
I see you in the existence of life, in the brevity we spend here on earth.
I see you in the way I think and solve problems.
Oh Ani, I see you too.
In the lilt of a laugh.
In the expression of a dancer.
In the shimmer of people's eyes when they smile, in every sunrise and every subset.
Ani, I see you in my simple decision to wake up and enter my day.
My children, I see you every day because you have forever affected the way I see everything. I can't help but see you, simply because, I see.

-- Post From My iPhone