Thursday, December 11, 2014

Oh how small a world...

I finally was able to get Ani into a "peer group" of middle-schoolers at their events on Wednesday nights.
She's in with a small group with about 10 other girls that are mostly her age or a couple years older.
I was able to convince the church pastors that I didn't need somebody to be Ani's caregiver, since I was there for that...
What I wanted was for her to have FRIENDS. Friends that weren't Daddy, friends that might be talking about things that she's only thinking about.
Friends that might help her feel included.
Well, I am SO PLEASED that a group was found, they had actually discussed Ani's need at an executive meeting at church, and I rolled her into her group last evening.
Then after the events, one of Ani's new friends sat down with me and told her that her Dad was the one that gave Ani CPR initially.
What a twist of life. The girl immediately texted her Dad, and now there's this connection.

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