Monday, July 25, 2011

Casual pose

Casual pose,
one hand casually draped on my chest.
Snoring squeakily, he fills my view.
My son Micah, you amaze me.
I have such joy holding you.
You are an answered prayer.
I will do my utmost to serve you.

I will be...

I will be.

I will be your voice, Ani,
until you tell me: "Daddy, it's Ok, I can talk".

I will be your coach, Ani,
but sometimes I'll make it hard so you can grow,
until you tell me: "Daddy, I can challenge myself now".

I will view the beauty of this world through your eyes, Ani,
until you can describe the orange in the sunsets again.

I will be your legs so you can dance like a fairy, Ani,
until you are nimble enough to escape my embrace.

I will say aloud: "I love you Daddy", and hear it in your voice, Ani,
until you can tell me directly.

All these things, my dearest Annika,
all these things are coming.
Here on Earth? I don't know, but I know that
you will be perfect in heaven, and you will tell me that you're all right.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

My girl,

My girl, my girl,
Do you know?

Do you know your beauty?
I do.
Your eyes, your smile, your laugh, your spirit.
I know.

Do you know your courage?
I do.
Your perseverance, your will, your never-give-up.
I know.

Do you know your strength?
I do.
Not of the body, just now, but of the heart and spirit.
I know.

Do you know your pain?
Yes, you do,
and I do too.
I know your physical pain, emotional pain, and frustration.
I know, dear, I know.

Do you know my mistakes?
Do you know my frailties?
Do you know my fears?
Do you know my prayers?
Do you know my hopes?
Do you know my love?
Yes, my precious daughter, you do,
and this is what keeps me going, day by day.
The sparkle in your eyes outshines any diamond ever found.