Tuesday, January 28, 2014

I wish you could see Ani through my eyes.

I wish you could see the Ani that I'm blessed to see throughout the week.
I don't get to see all of her all the time, only pieces shine through the veil once in a while.
I see the Ani that sings with me, and adds a vocalization in exactly the right spot in songs.
I see the Ani whose eyes say "I love you".
I see the Ani whose mouth tries to say "I love you", but can't.
I see the Ani who responds "Yes" before I can even finish the question; "Do you want me to cuddle with you on the couch?".
I see the Ani who has so many different smiles, Joy, Happiness, Mirth, Love.
I see the Ani who loves to have her feet rubbed.
I see the Ani who more-or-less rolls her eyes at her 3 year old brother.
I see the Ani whose eyes light up when her brother kisses her goodnight.
I see the Ani who has a spirit perhaps stronger than my own.
I see the Ani who loves when I finish playing a song by closing it with a G-major chord.
I see the Ani who enjoyed solid food by mouth so much, but now we can't do it anymore.
I see the Ani who still loves Disney princesses.
I see the Ani that still resides within.

Monday, January 27, 2014

You never know what will hit me.

Just found out last night that somebody in our small group went to Nate's funeral. It hit me as such a display of honor to Nate, that I was kind of speechless. I know that so many people went, more than I will ever know. Apart from the sadness of the day, the feeling of Nate's impact, of the honor that people were giving Nate sticks with me, and always will. I'll never forget leaving Church to an honor guard and a bag piper. Who was Nate to everybody?  What impact did Nate have on you, directly or as a result of his loss?  I'll never know the scope of this, it's too massive for little me to think about.