Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Take this from me, please

Lord, please take from me the curse that I bear. The curse that the first thing that comes to mind when I bring Nate's memory to my heart is that of me yelling at him, and him crying. I think I've relived that enough times now. I'm so sorry about it. I've confessed to you, to Christy and even Ani. Please let it be replaced with his smile and adoration while we danced. My heart bleeds enough as it is, I don't need my own subconscious helping that. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jerry - we check your blog nearly every day. There haven't been comments in a while, but please know, there are people that care about you and your family. In fact, we care a lot. Please keep posting. Please keep updating us. Please keep sharing how Ani is doing, and how you and Christy are doing as well. We are reading every day - and we share in your grief, and your strength.

With love to you and your family,
A Friend.