Monday, April 12, 2021

 Some updates:

I haven't posted in a while, and I apologize.  The "Covid season" has done a number on all of us.  We are all fine over here.  Christy, Ani and I are fully vaccinated, and we are so happy that Ani is protected.

Ani is back in school and loving the socializing.  She misses her friends so much, though she did get to see her friends through Zoom and such.  Her friends are so important to her.  We just had a status zoom meeting with her teachers at high school.  One of them is the girls choir director.  She says that Ani is SOOO happy to be in the group, and the other singers are really happy that Ani is enjoying herself.  I love the bonds that can be made even when communication (verbal) is difficult.

Micah is in a boys team in his gymnastics gym. Their team took 3rd in state this year!  Very proud that he has the focus and drive and enjoyment for this activity.

I am working from home and have been blessed to work on a medical device that treats Covid patients.  I have worked on a couple of Emergency Use Authorizations for the FDA for more treatment options for Covid patients.

Christy is working from home also, and is still working as a speech therapist as much as she can while working through Zoom.

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