Wednesday, October 1, 2008

How do I look at the world now?

I've always tried to maintain a child-like (not childish) curiosity about the world. That got me into my astrophysics degree, and probably some trouble as a child. Anyway, I feel isolated now in some ways. The world certainly doesn't look like it did before. I'ts almost like I've lost _my_ child eyes when I lost my children's eyes. After having kids, it enhanced and enriched my own perspective on the world. When Ani told me she loved the snow, and didn't I love it too, I said that I like to use the word "love" when referring to people. She replied "You can love the snow daddy, it's a 'snow love'!". How can I argue with that? I gave in, yes I can love the snow with a snow love. Now, in ways, I feel isolated from Ani (and certainly Nate, of course) because she can't tell me about her perspective. I really want her to tell me that there's a "rain love", or a "christmas lights love" or something like that. Maybe I'll get my child-like perspective back; maybe then the colors of this world will be vibrant again, the autum trees will be more alive, and a simple rain will touch me deeply again.

1 comment:

Marcella, James & Grace said...

I can't imagine losing what you had with your children, but I know that the time you spent with Nate and continue to spend with Ani, you always cherished and I pray that your love for them and the way you valued them gives you a warm feeling - you are truly an amazing dad!