Friday, October 17, 2008

Ok, Da-da

Nate and I used to play a game (I played it with Ani too, in the past) to teach him about emotions.  I would make a face (sad/scared/happy/excited/surprised).  Nate started to understand, and when I would do the "Daddy sad" face, he would come over and stroke my head and say "Ok, Da-da" until I said "Daddy happy!".  Then he would smile.  I could use a little "Ok, Da-da" right now.  I have found a place inside me that I think is a God-given center of peace, though sometimes it's hard to find.  I have named this place my "Ok, Da-da" place.  Over the last week, it's been quite hard to find it, I have been sad over Nate and Ani.  God grant me more ability to find this place and to calm myself and send my prayers there.  Funny, I've also made a couple "slips of the mind" and said "Daddy" to God, I've just gone with it.  I want a heavenly Daddy to make things better.  It makes me feel better, even at my age, to allow myself to feel that there's a Daddy still looking over me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's actually very appropriate, calling God "Daddy". According to my pastor, who speaks Hebrew and Greek, that's what "Abba" means. It's what Jesus always called His Father. We're meant to have that kind of relationship with God.

And the greatest thing He gives is comfort. He holds us when we hurt, which is exactly what a Daddy is for. I think I am going to cry now.

Hang in there, man, and may He be with you.