Monday, October 13, 2008

How much time?

There are times where I feel guilty that I'm not thinking about Nate or Ani.  It's as if a fixation on Ani's condition in my mind will somehow cure her.  I pray all the time, but not constantly.  I need to focus on driving, working, and caring for Ani.  It's so hard to allow myself some time to just be me.  Of course, the me that's me now is different than the me before May 25th, and I want to be that person again.  It's difficult to figure out who to be.

1 comment:

Greg Mueller said...

Jerry ... I have been to the place that you described, and after years, I found myself again and chose to live my life as me once again.

With time, prayer and support from the Lord, you will learn to accept the past and live for the future. This will be difficult and will take time, but you must always keep your faith.

You and Christy are the dearest of friends and we will be here for you whenever called upon to help.

God bless.